Thursday, 2 January 2014

52 Things in 52 Weeks 2014

This was my facebook status yesterday:

Happy New Year, everyone!!!
So I haven't done a new year's resolution in several years, but in years that I have done them, I've DONE them! I don't make a NYR, and abandon it when I realize they're more fun to make than keep. I tend to keep them.

Having said that, I am SO ready for a good, VERY serious one this year. And I want it to be FUN! In fact, I've already committed to doing a 5k run this year, and started my training in December to get a head start (yep... I'm a TERRIBLE runner, and 5k is a VERY big deal to me - "like" this if you've ever seen me run and laughed or cried in embarrassment for me).

So I have been trying to figure this out since November, and I have yet to fully make up my mind on what my resolution will be (there are SO many fun things to choose out of). BUT today, I found a link to an awesome blog post ( and I loved the idea. So I'm doing it!

So far, I have organized my list into three sections "Body, Soul, and Spirit." And as much as I have tons of ideas that I'm so excited about, I'm not even half way to 52 things.

So... do you guys have any ideas I could sift through? Feel free to share your own resolutions, daily routines, goals, etc. Also, keep in mind that ANYTHING that makes for a healthy living is good. This includes doing a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle. I love puzzles, and therefore, doing one will be healthy for my soul. Also, including chia seeds into my morning routine every day of the year. And everything in between.

Please share! I'd love to hear your ideas. No matter how easy, or hard. I can always revamp it according to my needs/doability (yep... making up a word).

COMMENT! Thanks. Love you all. 

So I've worked really hard since I posted this, and I have nearly finalized my list. I will share it now, but leave myself room to hear from the Lord, and refine a few things here and there as needed.

I changed my organizing system slightly (my soul list was looooong, and it made sense to break it up a bit).

52 Things in 52 Weeks

Healthy BODY

  • Only allowed chocolate on days AFTER I exercise (1 cheat day/week) - (___/312)
  • No chocolate after 7pm avg 5 days a week - (___/260)
  • Do a 5k run
  • Learn a healthy bread recipe I can actually make and like
  • Eat something I grew myself
  • Make healthy granola to replace cereal in our diets
  • Eat chia seeds avg 5 days a week - (___/260)
  • Learn to make yogurt that I like
  • Pick our own berries to freeze
  • Make 1 big zeroxeno choice per month (see if you're wondering what this is) - (__/12)
  • Get adjusted at the chiropractor MIN 3X/month - (__/36)
  • Drink 730 Litres of water (avg 2L/day) - (___/730)
  • Get off all meds
  • Finish all 3 levels on traction block
  • Make 6 make-ahead foods - (_/6)


  • Awake with hubby avg 1 morning/week - (__/52)
  • In bed by 10 & asleep by 11 avg 5 nights a week - (___/260)
  • Do one kid-centered activity out of the house per week - (__/52)
  • Do one NEW craft/activity with kids per month - (__/12)
  • Blog at least once per month about 52 in 52 progress - (__/12)
  • Follow the budget using
  • Get oil changed BEFORE due each time
  • Make habit of cleaning kitchen every evening BEFORE lounging
  • Make scheduled routine that works and serves me
  • Tidy for 10 twice a day - (__/730)

Healthy SPIRIT

  • Finish Behind the Mask
  • Read 33 books of the Bible - (__/33)
  • Write a new worship song
  • Write out & memorize my spiritual promises & Scriptures - (__/4)
  • Watch minimum one sermon per week - (__/52)
  • Serve Recovery Church for at least one event
  • Make and Maintain a prayer list
  • Go to early morning church prayer three times - (_/3)
  • Worship God in my own way once a week - (__/52)

Just Cuz I WANNA

  • Give blood
  • Read 3 non-fiction books - (_/3)
  • Read 3 fictional books - (_/3)
  • Make a photobook
  • Kill a spider
  • Play or read something at Open Mic Night
  • Make and hang burlap drapes
  • Revamp one of the 52 to something doable when I realize I've bitten off more than I can chew
  • Purge 52 items - (__/52)
  • Sell 52 items - (__/52)
  • Go out of my way to bless 12 friends - (__/12)
  • Make a new family tradition
  • Finish medical transcription course

Must... do... more... CRAFTING

  • Give myself an airbrush tattoo
  • Create a piece of airbrush art that I am proud of
  • Sew something that I am proud of
  • Make myself a functioning craft corner
  • Make a Christmas present

So I think I'm going to have a busy year. I anticipate that some of these things are going to be really easy, and others are going to be very difficult (killing a spider... baaaah!). And I also anticipate that I will really surprise myself by which ones I achieve and which I don't. And I think my biggest concern overall is how I'm going to feel when I fall short somewhere along the way. I hope I'm proud of myself by this time next year. And I hope that this time next year, I'll be posting my 2015 list.

I really tried to be honest with myself as to what is achievable for ME. And also, notably difficult, I tried not to choose things simply to impress others. (I originally had listed "Read 52 books of the Bible." Then thought that made it seem like for some reason, I didn't WANT to read the whole Bible in a year - there are 66 books total. But knowing that the whole Bible in a year is an embarrassingly large leap from my current Bible reading routine, and knowing that I'm already taking on a lot this year, and knowing that God prefers when I look at my Bible reading as a joyful thing, and not a condemning, failure experience, I decided to give myself a break. I dropped it from 66 to 52, and then further again to 33. I think this is a perfect number for me. It's half the Bible, and I can do the other half next year! It's more than I probably would have read without this particular goal, and not so much that I am setting myself up for failure. And I resisted the temptation to look impressive.)

We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!


  1. Awesome list! I'll look forward to watching your progress throughout the year.

    My new list is here:

  2. Great list!!! So fun to read so many lists and see what challenges everyone is taking on this year! Good luck with your list!
